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Yum! Best I’ve ever had!


Add a cup of shredded cheddar cheese and diced jalapeño for an additional heat that will awaken your taste senses like a rooster at morning if you’re craving something more.

– A For those who like their cornbread with a hint of sweetness, you may add about 2 teaspoons of sugar to the mixture just before baking.

– A Feel free to experiment with different seasonings; this recipe is quite adaptable. To add a personal touch, try crumbling some cooked bacon or topping it with some fresh herbs.

– A Just a little bit different is the model for each slow cooker. To avoid overcooking, begin testing for doneness at around the 2-hour mark if cooking on high.

– A If you happen to have any leftovers, you may store them in the fridge and reheat them gently. However, they taste much better when eaten straight from the slow cooker.

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