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What’s That White Stringy Thing in Your Egg, and Should You Remove It?


Is It Safe to Eat?

The chalaza is completely safe to eat. In fact, most people consume it without even noticing. When you cook the egg, the chalaza typically blends into the white or disappears entirely, especially in dishes like scrambled eggs or baked goods. However, if you’re preparing delicate desserts such as custards or silky sauces where texture is crucial, you might prefer to remove it for a smoother consistency.

Why Does It Only Appear Sometimes?

You might wonder why you only notice the chalaza occasionally. The answer is that the chalaza is more pronounced in fresher eggs. As eggs age, the chalaza tends to become less noticeable. So, if you’re using an egg fresh from the farm or a newly purchased carton, you’re more likely to see that stringy strand.

Should You Ever Remove It?

Generally, you can leave the chalaza in without issue. However, for recipes that demand a perfectly smooth texture, such as custards, flans, or crème brûlée, you may want to remove it. You can do this by gently straining the egg or fishing out the chalaza with a spoon before incorporating it into your recipe. Otherwise, it’s perfectly fine to let the chalaza remain—it’s there to do its job!

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