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Sugar-Free Apple Banana Oatmeal Pancakes


If you’re looking for a nutritious breakfast alternative, try these sugar-free apple banana oatmeal pancakes. These pancakes are healthy and tasty since they are made with just natural ingredients and sweetened with fruit. To get your day off to a good start, eat a stack of these nutritious pancakes.

Timing for Preparation:

Ten minutes for preparation

Ten Minutes in the Oven

One hour and twenty-five minutes

Things needed:

1/2 cup of oats

1-chopped apple-200 milliliters of water

a single egg

1/8 teaspoon of vanilla flavoring

Mash one ripe banana.

Fry pan oil (like coconut or olive)

Follow these steps:

First, get the oats ready by mixing them with water in a big basin. The oats will soften if you just let it rest for a little while.

Have the Bananas and Apples Ready:

Mash the banana and grate the apple. Melt the oats and mix in the ingredients.

Blend the Substitutes:

Toss the oat mixture with the egg and vanilla essence. Toss everything together until it’s thoroughly mixed.

Get the Pancakes Started:

In a nonstick skillet, heat a little oil over medium heat.

To make pancakes, drop spoonfuls of batter onto hot frying pan. To get a golden brown color and fully cooked, heat for about two to three minutes each side.

Continue with the rest of the batter, increasing the oil in the pan as necessary.

Warm the pancakes before serving. They may be adorned with fresh fruit, yogurt, or sugar-free syrup as per your preference.

Tips for Serving:

Add some sweetness by serving with a side of fresh berries.

Try it with some almond butter or Greek yogurt for a delicious combo.

Perfect with a mug of hot tea or coffee.

Hints for Recipes:

For the sweetest result, use really ripe bananas.

For an additional splash of flavor, try adding a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Before adding the water, grind the oats into a fine powder if you want a smoother consistency.

Health Advantages:

Oats are high in fiber, which makes you feel full for longer.

Bananas and apples: They’re naturally delicious and full of vitamins and minerals.

The carbs, protein, and healthy fats in these pancakes are all in their proper proportions.

Facts Regarding Nutrition:

Make sure the oats are gluten-free by checking the certification.

nut-free: You won’t find any nuts in this dish.

Dairy-free: You won’t find any dairy products in this dish.

Important Storage Reminders:

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