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Secrect Recipe


Of all the Central Asian countries, I imagine Kazakhstan is the most recognized. Mostly because of the movie Borat. Having never seen Borat, though, I could only smile and nod when I was inevitably told “Is nice?!?” when discussing making Kazakh food this weekend. But all of that aside, I was actually looking forward to this dinner because, well, apricots are always good! This dinner was simple, quick, and really tasty. Next time I might step outside of the traditional recipe and add some cayenne pepper, cinnamon, and fresh parsley to the pot. Aс болсын! (as bolsın – Bon Appetit in Kazakh.)

How To Make IT :
1 pound ground beef
1 box beef rice a roni
1 small can beef broth
Brown ground beef
Brown the rice as directed

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