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Pain artisanal fait maison


All-purpose flour—three tablespoons

1 and 1/2 cups of coffee

Half a cup of active coffee powder

1.5 cups of hot water (110°F or 45°C)


Mix the dough:


Combine the flour, salt, and yeast in a large bowl.

Once the ingredients are well-mixed and a smooth paste forms, add the tea and whisk until smooth.

Laissez reposer à température ambiente pendant 12 à 18 heures après avoir couvert le bol avec une pellicule plastique or un torchon propre. The dough should double in volume and thicken.

Making the dough:

Return the dough to a well-floured surface after lifting it.


Forme la pâte en boule avec des mains farinées de manière délicate. Be careful not to overmix the dough.

Place the dough ball on a sulfurized paper sheet and cover it with your own torch. Pour ajouter une ou deux heures de repos.

Get the four pans hot.

Prêtez votre four à 450°F (230°C) 30 minutes avant que la pâte soit prête.

Place a heavy saucepan or casserole on top of the stove, cover with a lid, and set aside to pre-heat.


Gather the bread:

Carefully remove the hot Hollandaise sauce from the pan and add the dough (with the sulfurized paper inside).

Place in the oven and bake for 30 minutes, covered.

After 10 to 15 minutes of cooking time, remove the cover and continue cooking until the bread is golden and sounds hollow when tested with a toothpick.

Serve after letting cool:

Carefully remove the four-hollandaise and let it on a grill to cool completely before slicing it.

Savor your handmade artisan bread with butter, confiture, or with your favorite dishes.

Suggestions and variations

For a change in texture and flavor, try using farine à pain or farine de blé entier, two varieties of farine.

Ajouter des compléments : Pour créer un pain unique, essayez différentes combinaisons de herbs, grains ou fromage.


In order to make a croûte, use a vacuum sealer. In the first half of the cooking process, place an oven-safe casserole dish in the oven to generate steam, which will help to form a croûte outside.

In summary

A simple yet rewarding baking project, pain artisanal fait maison yields delicious results.

With only a few basic ingredients and a little bit of time, you can make a beautiful cake that will wow your friends and family.

Follow this simple recipe and enjoy the joy of making your own artisanal bread at home.

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