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Natural remedies for treating age spots, moles, skin tags, warts, and blackheads


The more than a hundred different strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV) are responsible for the noncancerous growths known as warts. Despite their innocuity, warts may be unsightly and even painful at times.

Here are a few effective home cures for warts:

Because of the acetic acid it contains, apple cider vinegar may be useful in the battle against warts. The wart will eventually come out due to the acidic burn of the vinegar eroding the diseased skin. Always mix apple cider vinegar with water before use.

Bee Propolis: Bee propolis is a popular cure for acne, wounds, and HPV-related warts. It is made by bees from pollen, beeswax, bee enzymes, and plant components. Bee propolis has antiviral characteristics and assists with skin cell formation. Put it on the wart, cover it with a bandage for the night, and do it again till the wart disappears.

Wart Removal with Duct Tape: Tear out a tiny piece of duct tape and 

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