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Natural Bone-Healing Tricks That Pharmaceutical Companies Despise If You Ask Them


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Many natural bone healing therapies and dietary changes are well-known in the natural health community yet are mostly disregarded by conventional medicine. An authority in natural treatment, Dr. Barbara O’Neill, explains how to promote bone health and speed recovery without resorting to drugs.

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What Food Can Do for Your Bones

When it comes to healing and keeping bones strong, Dr. O’Neill says food is key. Magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin K2 are just as important as calcium when it comes to developing healthy bones. Together, these nutrients boost calcium absorption and channel calcium deposits to the areas of the body that need them most—the bones.

Bone-Healthy Foods Dairy Products: Frequently supplemented with vitamin D and a good source of calcium.

The vitamin K and calcium found in leafy greens are second to none.

Foods rich in calcium and magnesium, such as almonds and sesame seeds, as well as other nuts and seeds.

Vitamin D-rich fish: salmon, mackerel, and other fatty fish.

Natural Treatments

Among the herbs that Dr. O’Neill recommends for their ability to mend broken bones are:

Traditionally, comfrey, also known as “knitbone,” was applied topically to injured bones to hasten their recovery.

Horsetail: A great source of silica, a mineral necessary for new bone growth.

Nettle: Strong and dense bones benefit from nettle’s high calcium content.

Changes to One’s Way of Life

Bone density and healing may be greatly affected by lifestyle variables such as frequent, mild exercise like walking or yoga, and exposure to natural sunshine, which helps produce vitamin D. Because of their negative effects on bone health, Dr. O’Neill warns against smoking and heavy alcohol use.

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