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Lancashire Courting Cake


Ingredients: Simple Elegance

To create our enchanting Lancashire Courting Cake, gather the following ingredients:

  1. Butter: Unsalted and softened, for richness and moisture.
  2. Sugar: Granulated, for sweetness and texture.
  3. Eggs: Large, at room temperature, to bind the ingredients together.
  4. Flour: All-purpose, for structure and texture.
  5. Currants: Dried, for a burst of sweetness and texture.
  6. Candied Peel: Adds a hint of citrusy flavor and chewy texture.
  7. Ground Nutmeg: Provides warmth and depth of flavor.
  8. Milk: Whole or semi-skimmed, for moisture and richness.
  9. Almonds: Flaked or slivered, for a crunchy texture and nutty flavor.

Instructions: Crafting Romance in Every Layer

Follow these steps to create your own Lancashire Courting Cake:

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