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An effective homemade solution for garden pests: caterpillars, stink bugs, ants and whiteflies


10 fresh chilies or 1 tablespoon chili powder
1 head of garlic
1 quart (4 cups) water
A few drops of liquid dishwashing soap (optional)

Steps to Prepare the Solution:
1.Prepare the Ingredients:
Chilies: Chop finely (or use 1 tablespoon chili powder).
Garlic: Peel and crush or finely chop.
2.Mix the Ingredients:
Blend the chilies (or chili powder), garlic and water until smooth.
3.Strain the Mixture:
Strain the liquid through a fine strainer or cheesecloth to remove solids.
4.Optional: Add Soap:
Add a few drops of liquid dishwashing soap to the strained liquid.
5.Transfer to a Sprayer:
Pour the filtered liquid into a clean spray bottle.

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