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Easy Cinnamon Bread


Sometimes I can be such an idiot.

It’s like I finally find my voice, and I verbally throw up on whomever is around me.

For me to actually speak to another adult without having a shy, froggy tone is a personal feat.

I can remember in high school, dreading having to say “here” when roll was called.

The anxiety would make me sick to my stomach, and I would stress out about it, clear my throat a million times, try to pretend I wasn’t bothered by it, and in the end…I would still say the shy, froggy “here” when my turn rolled around.

It comes to no surprise that I still have these nervous bouts as an adult, but I do admit I am better.

I write this so if you have the same affliction I do, of finally getting the nerve to say something, anything, and then saying the wrong thing…make this bread.

To be safe, carry it with you at all times, so when the need to speak arises, you can shove a piece in your mouth.

It will save embarrassment, stress, and to top it off, it tastes amazing.


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