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18 places you should clean with white vinegar in your kitchen


Vinegar has established itself as one of the best multi-use cleaning products for cleaning the house. It is also an essential element that can be found almost everywhere.

Non-toxic, it is the ideal alternative to traditional household cleaners which can be harmful to the environment. Besides, it can do wonders for your kitchen!

White vinegar is essential for cleaning and maintenance thanks to its antibacterial power and its acetic acid composition.

And for good reason, the latter has formidable disinfectant and antibacterial properties to remove dirt. This is what has earned white vinegar its reputation as a star of household products, particularly in the kitchen, where it allows you to clean the most inaccessible corners.#hsm

18 Places in Your Kitchen to Clean with White Vinegar
Before you begin, know that it is best to dilute white vinegar in equal parts with water so that its acid content does not affect the surfaces in your kitchen.

You can also pour the solution into a spray bottle for optimal use. Without further ado, here are the 18 areas of your kitchen that you can treat with this powerful and eco-friendly cleaner.

1. The cook

Grease residue can easily be dislodged thanks to the acidity of this multi-purpose cleaner.

Spray the solution of water and white vinegar on your stove and leave to act for 10 to 15 minutes. You will then just need to scrub with soapy water so that the grease disappears visibly and the cooker shines.

2. The sink

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